by Gary Hunt
21 March 2025
Redefining the Boundaries of Ambition INVESTING IN PEOPLE, TRUST AND DERISKING, AND HEALTHY The Modern Self-Care, Consumer Goods, and Consumer Health sectors, serving Development, Health, and Wealth Creation Assets, represent a multi-trillion-dollar investment opportunity. A Culture of Triumphant Living is increasingly being recognised as the New Currency of Power . All other strategies are built upon the foundation of Population Prosperity . We are the world’s most Valuable Modern Selfcare, Consumer Goods, and Consumer Healthcare Asset, Consumption Superpower and Mega force for Progress We Discover. We Make. We take the Lead You will achieve Great Things with The Global Structure Diamond International and Advocacy and The Global Structure Network Limited Welcome to the Global Modern Selfcare, Consumer Health, and Consumer Product neighbourhood in service to Health, Development, and a Culture of Triumphant Living has Design. Modern Selfcare is a Big name for many segments. We are a Globally Commercially Driven Enterprise . Modern Selfcare, Consumer Health and Consumer Products, Services, and Capital in you the Consumer interest for Health, Development, and Wealth Creation Assets. The Global Structure Network Limited and The Global Structure Diamond International and Advocacy will be the first ever Life Science, Finance, Insurance, and Academia led Modern Selfcare and Consumer Health enterprise. The Global Structure Diamond International and Advocacy, and The Global Structure Network Limited are trusted to lead— by Consumers, CEOs, Stakeholders and Industry. Investors, Stakeholders and Brands can directly contact us here: or Modern Selfcare Economies: (Men's Health, Consumer Health and Development, Healthspan, Longevity, Nutraceuticals, Nutricosmetics, Brain Health, Organic, Nutrition, Agriculture, Complementary and Integrative Health, Value-Based-and-Integrated Care, Food is Medicine, Medically Tailored Meal Programmes, Life Science OTC, Wellness, Wellness Infrastructure and Human Services upstream and downstream interventions just to name a few) Opportunity, Affordability, and Equality of Opportunity For the latest Sector News, click here: STICK WITH US The Global Structure Network Limited and The Global Structure Diamond International and Advocacy remain your go-to platforms for all things 'You' in Modern Selfcare, Consumer Goods, and Consumer Health, with a focus on fostering a Culture of Triumphant Living. Our work is underpinned by the Consumer Balance Sheet and Consumer Net Worth, with a focus on increasing that Net Worth in towns and cities around the world. Wealth Creation is back on the Global Agenda Global Poverty Inc. should not mistake our resolve, nor the resolve of our investors, the CEOs and stakeholders investing in our expansion, or the Consumers determined to raise their ambitions and expectations. Everything we do is guided by commercial principles, doctrines, imperatives, and the interests of you, the Consumer, in Health, Development, and Wealth Creation Assets. The winning ideas in 2025 won’t come from silos. They’ll come from partnerships that blend diverse perspectives and capabilities. The Global Structure Diamond International and Advocacy, and The Global Structure Network Limited powered by my more than 20 years of Healthy Structural Performance, Operational Resilience, and Efficacy —along with our Value Proposition, Frameworks, and Plan—are finally equipping CEOs with the tools to comprehend and address the trillions of dollars spent annually on medical expenses across countries worldwide. Our Value Proposition also tackles the substantial time, energy, and resources previously allocated to countless initiatives that delivered minimal economic and social returns, with little to no significant impact on Development, Health, Wealth Creation, or positive spillovers to support a Culture of Triumphant Living. Let’s state this clearly: when the Founders' Gallery invests, it does so with the goal of amplifying and enhancing human agency and unlocking new levels of creativity and productivity . Additionally, we do not invest in ways that compromise our personal, and corporate, grand strategy objectives. Above all, we invest only in Real Assets. Stick with us - we are poised to revolutionise the global landscape for Modern Selfcare, Consumer Goods, and Consumer Health, spanning Branded Products, Services, and Capital in service to Wealth Creation Assets, Health, and Development— from over-the-counter Consumer Health and Modern Selfcare items to food, clothing, cosmetics, and beverages, just to mention a few. I, the founder of The Global Structure Network Limited and The Global Structure Diamond International and Advocacy, am a full-throated, red-blooded, Consumer-Patriotic, unwoke capitalist. The Global Structure Diamond International and Advocacy and The Global Structure Network Limited were created for, and everything we do here in this Global Modern Selfcare, Consumer Goods and Consumer Health neighbourhood was designed to create an unambiguous focus on you the Consumer needs for Value, Added Value and your ambition for Health, Development, and Wealth Creation fostering a Culture of Triumphant Living. Let’s remind you of our mission: "It is our goal to help you take Ownership of your Health, Personal Development, and Destiny, so that empathy can be equally distributed and self-love can multiply. This is our essential purpose and will always be at the heart of our business." To Promote a Culture of Wellbeing and Fulfillment - We Discover. We Make. We take the Lead : In order to promote a Culture of Fulfillment and Wellbeing, we work to expedite the development, marketing, Commercialisation, and adoption of innovative Modern Selfcare, Consumer Goods and Consumer Health Branded Products, Services, and Capital. The Global Structure Network Limited and The Global Structure Diamond International and Advocacy are not just the premier platforms for Modern Self-Care, Consumer Goods, and Consumer Health in service to Development, Health, and Wealth Creation Assets— they are also services, or what Silicon Valley might call a "Product." Our platform is dedicated to ensuring a Culture of Triumphant Living for Consumers by prioritising Availability, Affordability, and Accessibility . To achieve this goal, we actively collaborate with and support other platforms, uniting the entire Consumer ecosystem in service of this shared mission. Our cross-functional approach spans multiple sectors, reflecting the interconnected nature of Consumer needs. As a commercial entity, we continue to operate commercially in towns and cities around the world. Importantly, our Charitable Foundation operates on Commercial principles. Everything we do is rooted in the Commercial realm, as the foundation is specifically designed to drive economic growth and support our Commercial and Policy objectives. Across the world, The Global Structure Network Limited , and The Global Structure Diamond International, and Advocacy are recognised as extensions of Consumers within the Modern Self-care, Consumer Goods, and Consumer Health sectors—all in service of Development, Health, and Wealth Creation assets. These platforms enable Consumers in towns and cities worldwide to define themselves and engage with the evolving Consumer and economic landscapes. We are always looking for opportunities to connect and collaborate with CEOs, Consumer Health and Pharma Companies with Consumer Health assets or ambitions think tanks, media, policy labs, farms, farmers, and other stakeholders to advance our strategic priorities. Potential opportunities may not always be immediately obvious, which is why we’re reaching out today. We invite you to explore our websites and consider the possibility of investing, partnering, or becoming an intellectual investor. Achieving commercial success requires building intentional and thoughtful partnerships to drive the enhanced profits and investment returns you seek. The Global Structure Network Limited and The Global Structure Diamond International and Advocacy — are open to connections, collaborations, and partnerships. Engaging with us can confer a level of status and importance among Consumers, CEOs, and Policymakers. I look forward to directly engaging with investors, farms, brands, and CEOs from all sectors, including Infotech. Feel free to contact me at or We are the world’s most Valuable Modern Selfcare, Consumer Goods, and Consumer Healthcare Asset, Consumption Superpower and Mega force for Progress First, let us take a moment to congratulate the new President and members of the IOC, wishing them every success in their new roles. It has been an extraordinary week for The Global Structure Network Limited, and The Global Structure Diamond International and Advocacy, and our mission to advance Modern Self-care, Consumer Goods, and Consumer Health in service of the Development, Health, and Wealth Creation Assets. By extension, this progress benefits you— the Consumers —living in towns and cities across the world, supporting your ambitions for a Culture of Triumphant Living. Today’s post will cover a variety of topics, though not in any particular order. Our primary focus, however, is on you— the Consumer —and, by extension, The Global Structure Network Limited and The Global Structure Diamond International and Advocacy. The Global Structure Network Limited and The Global Structure Diamond International and Advocacy are the Invasive Power shaping the global consumer landscape. We are the Modern Selfcare, Consumer Goods and Consumer Health in service to Development, Health and Wealth Creation Consumer in a sea of Market transactions. As you may know, The Global Structure Network Limited and The Global Structure Diamond International and Advocacy go far beyond being a global marketplace for Modern Self-care, Consumer Goods, and Consumer Health Brands, Services, and Capital. We are also a global social enterprise. We are the Modern Selfcare, Consumer Goods and Consumer Health in service to Development, Health and Wealth Creation Consumer in a sea of Market transactions . We operate as leaders in Modern Self-care, Consumer Goods, and Consumer Health, serving Development, Health, and Wealth Creation Assets. Our goal is to foster competitive conditions that ensure consistent quality in the goods supplied, eliminating any room for discretion. Our work is focused on the Consumer population, and as mentioned earlier, our primary mission is to empower you to take control of your Development, Health, and Wealth Creation Assets , so you can shape your own destiny. How do we achieve this? We ensure that, across the global Consumer Landscape , the critical factors supporting your independence remain intact: Your Primacy (Human Agency) Control Choice This is because companies control the R&D, goods, and services, made available to the public, meaning you, the Consumer, have no direct say in what gets produced. Can Consumers influence the production of goods? The answer is a resounding yes. This is because the power we hold is what we call 'Invasive Power.' It’s termed as such because it represents the foundation of Modern Self-care, Consumer Goods, and Consumer Health, all in service to Development, Health, and Wealth Creation Assets. This foundation legitimises and sustains the global economies driven by Modern Self-care, Consumer Goods, and Consumer Health in service to these crucial assets. It is considered invasive because it shapes the Structure of Opportunities within the global economies of Modern Self-care, Consumer Goods, and Consumer Health, all in service to Development, Health, and Wealth Creation Assets. The Modern Selfcare economies: Men’s Health Healthspan Longevity Consumer Health and Development Nutraceuticals Nutricosmetics Organic Nutrition Agriculture Complementary and Integrative Health Value-Based-and-Integrated Care Food is Medicine Consumer Goods Medically Tailored Meal Programmes Life Science OTC Wellness, and Wellness Infrastructure The Brain Economy Human Services upstream and downstream interventions, just to name a few As the framework driving advancements in Modern Self-care, Consumer Goods, and Consumer Health—through investment and policy in service of Development, Health, and Wealth Creation Assets—we hold a unique and unmatched position in shaping the perception of the Modern Self-care, Consumer Goods and Consumer Health in service to Development, Health and Wealth Creation Assets economy. We are the only organisation with a true unrivalled competitive advantage, enabling us to offer CEOs and Investors distinct strategic economic and social benefits. By establishing the essential conditions for the success of the Modern Self-care, Consumer Goods and Consumer Health in service to Development, Health and Wealth Creation Assets economy, we have paved the way for billions of dollars to flow into these sectors. This solidifies our role as the cornerstone of this rapidly growing industry and a catalyst for its continued success. It is the Invasive Power because as you may be aware, policymakers around the world have recognised that Modern Selfcare, Consumer Goods, and Consumer Health—serving Development, Health, and Wealth Creation Assets, as advocated by us and powered by our Major Areas of Foci and my more than 20 years of Healthy Structural Performance, Operational Resilience, and Efficacy —have a strong potential to improve or maintain the Health and overall Wellbeing of Consumers and the chronically ill. They can also address gaps in care and enhance Health and Development outcomes for both the general and patient populations. As a result, the economic and social benefits are valued in the trillions of dollars. It is the Invasive Power because Health systems around the world are increasingly deploying Modern Self-care, Consumer Goods, and Consumer Health solutions to support Development, Health, and Wealth Creation interventions. This has been made possible by the groundwork laid and ideas tested—thanks to The Global Structure Network Limited and The Global Structure Diamond International and Advocacy , driven by our Value Proposition, Major Areas of Foci and powered by more than 20 years of Healthy Structural Performance, Operational Resilience, and Efficacy. The Preeminence of The Global Structure Network Limited and The Global Structure Diamond International and Advocacy The market and decision-making power of The Global Structure Network Limited and The Global Structure Diamond International and Advocacy Across the globe, we have established ourselves as pioneers of a new frontier , defying cynics while rewarding Stakeholders, Investors, CEO, and Consumers who Invest in me and in the expansion of The Global Structure Network Limited and The Global Structure Diamond International and Advocacy and our Modern Selfcare, Consumer Goods and Consumer Health in service to Development, Health and Wealth Creation Assets agenda with incredible gains, creating a new way to generate wealth . The Global Structure Network Limited, The Global Structure Diamond International and Advocacy, and our Modern Self-care, Consumer Goods, and Consumer Health policy and commercial agenda—serving Development, Health, and Wealth Creation Assets— powered by my more than 20 years of Healthy Structural Performance, Operational Resilience, and Efficacy , as well as our strong Value Proposition represents an investment in critical infrastructure and an unprecedented opportunity for transformation and innovation. The Global Structure Network Limited , The Global Structure Diamond International and Advocacy, and our Modern Self-care, Consumer Goods, and Consumer Health policy and commercial agenda—serving Development, Health, and Wealth Creation Assets represents the framework that supports a sophisticated economy. In such an advanced economy, the results delivered by Modern Self-care, Consumer Goods, and Consumer Health in service to Development, Health, and Wealth Creation Assets are pivotal in unlocking competitive strength and power. It represents a unique opportunity to reinforce the global ecosystems of Modern Self-care, Consumer Goods, and Consumer Health, all in service to Development, Health, and Wealth Creation Assets. It is also an opportunity to enable the expansion of access and the acceleration of innovation in critical Branded Products aligned with our Value Proposition . Furthermore, it allows us to leverage the global shift toward Preventive Care and Preventive Health , fostering innovation in both Products and Services . For decades, regulatory efforts have primarily focused on treatments designed to restore individuals from illness to a baseline level of Health. This approach has often made it challenging to conduct trials for those who are already Healthy. However, today, the focus has expanded to include the Healthy population, emphasising natural processes and preventive care. This shift is driven by our advocacy for Modern Self-care, Consumer Goods, and Consumer Health—in service of Development, Health, and Wealth Creation Assets powered by our Major Areas of Foci, Modern Selfcare domains, Value Proposition and my more than 20 years of Healthy Structural Performance, Operational Resilience and Efficacy. Our Culture of Triumphant Living Domains: A Culture of Triumphant Living, The Quantified Self, The Institution of Household Efficiency & Operational Resilience Disease Prevention, Health Promotion, Cultural Transformation, and Quality Enhancement Knowledge, Healthy Resilience, Healthy Longevity, Operational Resilience, and Efficacy Major Areas of Foci: Neurological Wellbeing Metabolic Wellbeing The Immune system Wellbeing Healthy Ageing Human Services We are always seeking opportunities to connect and partner with CEOs, Pharma Companies with Consumer Health assets or ambitions, Farms, Farmers, and other stakeholders to advance our strategic priorities. Often, potential connections may not be immediately apparent, so we encourage brands, CEOs, Pharma Companies with Consumer Health assets or ambitions, Farms, investors, and stakeholders to reach out to me via email to schedule a meeting and explore potential collaborations. Achieving commercial success requires building intentional and thoughtful partnerships to drive the enhanced profits and investment returns you seek. The Global Structure Network Limited and The Global Structure Diamond International and Advocacy — are open to connections, collaborations, and partnerships. Engaging with us can confer a level of status and importance among Consumers, CEOs, and Policymakers. I look forward to directly engaging with investors, farms, brands, and CEOs from all sectors, including Infotech. Feel free to contact me at or Monetising The Global Structure Network Limited and The Global Structure Diamond International and Advocacy—powered by over 20 years of expertise in Healthy Structural Performance, Operational Resilience, and Efficacy. We are focused on translating our Modern Self-Care, Consumer Goods, and Consumer Health Framework, Major Areas of Foci, along with our Value Proposition, my more than 20 years of Healthy Structural Performance, Operational Resilience, and Efficacy, and Modern Self-Care Achievements into successful commercialisation. Let’s look at the state of the market. We are going to look at some numbers. The latest estimates of the Modern, Selfcare, Consumer Goods and Consumer Health sectors is estimated at approximately $4.9–5 trillion in 2024, with strong annual growth expected across all categories. The overall market is projected to surpass $7 trillion by 2030. This is just a glimpse of areas where our Modern Self-care, Consumer Goods, and Consumer Health Value Proposition, policy, and Commercial agenda can deliver unmatched Commercial Advantages. The Global Structure Network Limited and The Global Structure Diamond International and Advocacy represent the Invasive Power within the global Consumer landscape. As the Center of Modern Self-care, Consumer Goods, and Consumer Health, all in service to Development, Health, and Wealth Creation Assets Commercial Excellence , we are pivotal in addressing the risks tied to large-scale, capital-intensive production methods in Modern Self-care. For instance, this includes branded products and services designed to support the healthspan and longevity sectors. Our Modern Self-care, Consumer Goods, and Consumer Health Value Proposition, Framework, and key focus areas— driven by my 20+ years of Healthy Structural Performance, Operational Resilience, and Efficacy —are powerful, transformative, it's policy rich and truly seminal and deeply rooted in economics that supports a Culture of Triumphant Living and Human Agency . They represent a major force in shaping and defining the global Consumer and Economic landscapes. This Power extends across several key areas: Essential Assets in Modern Self-care, Consumer Health, and Consumer Goods—serving the sectors of Health, Development, and a Culture of Triumphant Living. Industry Disruptors, reshaping the landscape of these fields. Key Drivers of Modern Self-care, Consumer Goods, and Consumer Health—fostering Health, Development, and Wealth Creation Assets. Leading Brands, setting the standard in these industries. The unrivalled Consumption Superpower The unrivalled driving force that fuels Commercial Success—bringing Branded Products, Services, and Capital to life while accelerating Wealth Creation Assets, Health, and Development. The mega force for progress, transforming complex policy issues into engaging and accessible insights. The Global Structure Network Limited , and The Global Structure Diamond International, and Advocacy are the foremost Assets people consider when pursuing their ambitions in Modern Self-care, Consumer Goods, and Consumer Health—all in service of Wealth Creation Assets, Health, and Development to foster a Culture of Triumphant Living. As a strategic Asset and a transformative force, they play a crucial role in attracting capital into the Consumer landscape, ultimately benefiting Consumers and driving sustainable growth. The bottom line is clear: the world remains optimistic about the vast opportunities that will emerge from the global Modern Selfcare, Consumer Goods, and Consumer Health transition in service to Wealth Creation Assets, Health and Development to support a Culture of Triumphant Living. I extend an invitation to CEOs, Pharma Companies with Consumer Health assets or ambitions, Farms, Stakeholders, Brands, and Investors to join me in this Commercial Opportunity . Together, we can seize the opportunities that our success has created and provide new and innovative Consumer Goods, Consumer Healthcare, Wellness and Wellness Infrastructure and Modern Selfcare Products and Services and Capital with unique and distinct Value Proposition. The core of our expansion includes our Commercial Strategy, and it is focused on; We Discover. We Make. We take the Lead: This translates into four lucrative Investment Areas within The Global Structure Network Limited and The Global Structure Diamond International and Advocacy : A fully functioning Global Modern Selfcare and Consumer Health upstream and downstream Platform A Global marketplace for Modern Selfcare, Consumer Goods, and Consumer Health branded Products, Services, and Capital that will lead the frontier of these emerging trends. A fully functioning Global Health, Development and Empowerment campus or common where Consumers will have an opportunity to mingle with our Modern Selfcare, Consumer Health and Health policymakers, researchers, the Multinational Institutions and CEOs' offices in towns and cities all over the world that we are an extension of, The Founder’s Gallery, and a lot more for bringing the Modern Selfcare, Consumer Health and Empowerment trends to life. The Global Structure Network Limited, along with The Global Structure Diamond International and Advocacy will also serve as a recruitment service for the Modern Selfcare sectors. We are always seeking opportunities to connect and partner with CEOs, Pharma Companies with Consumer Health assets or ambitions, Farms, Farmers, and other stakeholders to advance our strategic priorities. Often, potential connections may not be immediately apparent, so we encourage brands, CEOs, Farms, investors, and stakeholders to reach out to me via email to schedule a meeting and explore potential collaborations. Achieving commercial success requires building intentional and thoughtful partnerships to drive the enhanced profits and investment returns you seek. The Global Structure Network Limited and The Global Structure Diamond International and Advocacy — are open to connections, collaborations, and partnerships. Engaging with us can confer a level of status and importance among Consumers, CEOs, and Policymakers. I look forward to directly engaging with investors, farms, brands, and CEOs from all sectors, including Infotech. Feel free to contact me at or On a Personal Note I have big plans for myself, and I know that some of you CEOs—who have been my strongest supporters for so long—also have plans for me. I am eager to work closely with you as we leverage the opportunities created by the ongoing global shift to Modern Self-care, Consumer Goods, and Consumer Health—all in service of Development, Health, and Wealth Creation Assets and Preventive Care and Preventive Health—taking place in towns and cities around the world. New frontiers of progress are on the horizon, and if we approach them with vision, boldness, and determination, we will bring the promises of progress to life. Throughout this journey—marked by our meritocratic rise, both personally and professionally—we have shattered barriers, surpassed expectations, and outpaced individuals and companies alike to become highly sought after. There are individuals who may hope that my sexual orientation—being attracted to men—becomes a source of vulnerability or burden for me. However, such an outcome is entirely impossible. I want to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to the Founders’ Gallery, policymakers, CEOs, and, most importantly, Consumers in towns and cities around the world for standing with me and supporting our Value Proposition and Modern Self-care, Consumer Goods, and Consumer Health agenda—all in service of Development, Health, and Wealth Creation Assets powered by my 20+ years of Healthy Structural Performance, Operational Resilience, and Efficacy. I also want to thank you for embracing our commitment to Opportunity, Affordability, and Equality of Opportunity. I look forward to convening the Founders' Gallery during this exciting period for the global Consumer Products and Economic landscapes. The opportunities ahead are limitless and span across multiple sectors. Together, we will achieve success and drive meaningful outcomes. In founding The Global Structure Network Limited and The Global Structure Diamond International and Advocacy and subsequently pioneering this new economic sector, I have attracted both admirers and critics. However, I'm pleased to note that I have garnered more admirers, particularly among the leading figures within our grand strategy ecosystem and beyond. Our achievements, along with my own meritocratic ascent, continue to evolve as we advance in expansion and global commercialisation. The results you're seeing—both personally and professionally—are a direct reflection of my steadfast commitment to Value and to creating it, all in support of a Culture of Triumphant Living. We've scored some impressive wins and drawn clear lines against those who aim to obstruct the steady flow of opportunities in my direction. We are committed to making sure it stays this way. We will not stop. While some have worked relentlessly to undermine our success, their efforts are destined to fail. They have tried to hinder my ability to generate wealth, but I have decisively overcome every obstacle. I am breaking through barriers and pushing past limits at every turn, and now the streams of opportunity and the promises of progress are flowing steadily in my direction. Thankfully, our critics and those who sought to create obstacles have been left battered and bruised. Despite their determined resistance, they faced a far greater and more powerful force—The Global Structure Network Limited, and The Global Structure Diamond International, and Advocacy—alongside our Modern Self-care, Consumer Goods, and Consumer Health agendas in service of Development, Health, and Wealth Creation Assets. Today, their efforts are unravelling, while The Global Structure Network Limited and The Global Structure Diamond International and Advocacy continue to gain powerful supporters in key towns and cities across the world. However, it has come to my attention that our critics are now targeting individuals within my personal sphere. "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary, the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour." Our primary adversaries to Health, Development, and Wealth Creation Assets are those who seek to undermine anything that grants absolute ownership and control in the pursuit of these goals . Their actions stand in direct opposition to fostering a Culture of Triumphant Living. We will not allow them to succeed. They cannot—and must never—prevail. I’m working on some exciting projects that will offer great value for money while delivering additional benefits to consumers, as well as the CEOs and stakeholders investing in me. I truly appreciate your patience as we continue striving towards these goals. Sectors Central to our Value Proposition We are more than just a global marketplace for Modern Self-care, Consumer Goods, and Consumer Health Branded Products, Services, and Capital—we are also a global Social Enterprise. Additionally, we function as a Service, or as Silicon Valley might call it, a 'Product.' We are a game-changer for the global Culture of Triumphant Living sectors , which are central to our Value Proposition . While not an exhaustive list, the following sectors are central to our Culture of Triumphant Living community and Value Proposition : Brain Health Life Sciences Insurance Finance (both sell-side and buy-side) Biotechnology Pharmaceutical Companies with Consumer Health Assets, Consumer Health ambitions or commercial ambitions within the Modern Selfcare sectors Consumer Health Health Complementary and Integrative Health Nutrition Organic Products Well-being and Wellness Academia and Science Modern Self-care, Consumer Goods, and Consumer Health Media and Publishing Lifestyle Hospitality Home Retail There are those who hope that we will hand over the fruits of our successes—both in policy and through the Culture of Triumphant Living Assets and Modern Selfcare Innovation and Products we have carefully cultivated over the years— powered by my more than 20 years of Healthy Structural Performance, Operational Resilience, and Efficacy . They seek to benefit from the global landscape we’ve built to ensure the success of Modern Self-care, Consumer Goods, and Consumer Health in service of Development, Health, and Wealth Creation Assets and by extension the success of Consumers . Moreover, they expect to profit commercially from our achievements without any strings attached, at the expense of both us and the Consumers we serve. Some unscrupulous individuals believe they can reap the benefits of the wins we’ve secured for advancing our Commercial and Branded Products, Services, and Capital agenda—at the expense of Consumers and the CEOs, Stakeholders, Farms, Farmers and organisation who have supported us from the very beginning. Here’s my message to them: we will ensure that such intentions remain futile in towns and cities around the world. The Culture of Triumphant Living sectors must stand in solidarity with us and refuse to collaborate with these individuals and brands. Policymakers, harma Companies with Consumer Health assets or ambitions, Institutions, Industry leaders, Farms, Farmers, and CEOs must stand in solidarity with The Global Structure Network Limited , The Global Structure Diamond International, and Advocacy, and Consumers by refusing to support or collaborate with individuals and companies that engage in exploitative practices . Your Centre for Modern Selfcare, Consumer Goods and Consumer Health Commercial Excellence and Your Modern Selfcare and Consumer Health Root of Trust , Gary (The Founder's Gallery) The Founder’s Gallery (Centre for Modern Selfcare, including Human Services Commercial Excellence)—Disease Prevention, Health Promotion, Cultural Transformation, and Quality Enhancement (Policy Chair for Global Modern Selfcare, Consumer Goods, and Consumer Health, dedicated to Wealth Creation, Health, and Development in support of a Culture of Triumphant Living.) Associated Sites: LinkedIn: