

Zinc helps with:

  • making new cells and enzymes
  • processing carbohydrate, fat and protein in food
  • wound healing

Good sources of zinc

Good sources of zinc include:

  • meat
  • shellfish
  • dairy foods – such as cheese
  • bread
  • cereal products – such as wheatgerm

How much zinc do I need?

The amount of zinc you need is about:

  • 9.5mg a day for men (aged 19 to 64 years)
  • 7mg a day for women

You should be able to get all the zinc you need from your daily diet.

What happens if I take too much zinc?

Taking high doses of zinc reduces the amount of copper the body can absorb. This can lead to anaemia and weakening of the bones.

What does the Department of Health and Social Care advise?

You should be able to get all the zinc you need by eating a varied and balanced diet.

If you take zinc supplements, do not take too much as this could be harmful.

Do not take more than 25mg of zinc supplements a day unless advised to by a doctor.

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